Main content
Mission & scope
Acta Virologica (AV) aims to be the leading journal in the field by publishing open access premier research on molecular and cellular virology. Areas of interest are structure, genetics and morphology of viruses, molecular biology of virus-cell interactions, pathogenesis of viral diseases, viral immunology, vaccines, antiviral drugs and viral diagnostics. As a matter of tradition, rickettsiae are also included.
Editorial Board
Acta Virologica’s Editorial Board provides strategic and professional advice to the Editor-in-Chief. The journal recognises the following Editorial Board members for their continuous guidance and support of the journal:
Katarina Polcicova
Biomedical Research Center, Slovak Academy of Sciences
Deputy Editor
Juraj Kopacek
Biomedical Research Center, Slovak Academy of Sciences
Daniel Ruzek
Brno (Czech Republic)
Boris Klempa
Bratislava (Slovak Republic)
Viktoria Cabanova
Bratislava (Slovak Republic)
Peter Sabaka
Bratislava (Slovak Republic)
Zofia Radikova
Bratislava (Slovak Republic)
Ivana Nemcovicova
Bratislava (Slovak Republic)
Ivan Kosik
Bethesda (USA)
Miroslav Glasa
Bratislava (Slovak Republic)
Zdeno Subr
Bratislava (Slovak Republic)
Ludovit Skultety
Bratislava (Slovak Republic)
Eva Spitalska
Bratislava (Slovak Republic)
Amir Ghorbani
Bethesda (USA)
Nataša Knap
Ljubljana (Slovenia)
Join the Editorial Board
Call for Editorial Board Members
Acta Virologica is looking for new Editorial Board members, if you are interested in joining the Editorial Board as a Reviewer please complete this form.
Selection criteria
An active researcher with a PhD
Evidence of an active and relevant publication record for current career stage
Expertise in relevant subject areas within the scope of the journal
Experience of reviewing (desirable)
Although previous reviewing experience is desirable, we encourage applications from researchers at any stage of their career.
Key responsibilities
Reviewing manuscripts for the journal
Helping develop the journal including:
Suggesting Special Issues for the journal
Where relevant acting as a Guest Editor on a Special Issue
Acting as an ambassador for the journal at conferences and engaging with the journal through social media, as appropriate.
The journal is supported by a professional editorial office team which works to support all Editorial Board members in these activities.
Application assessment
Applications are assessed on submission and we aim to reply to all applicants within 4 weeks.
Journal Information
Short name
Acta Virol.
Electronic ISSN
Indexed in
Chemical Abstracts Service (CAS), CrossRef, Current Contents/Clinical Medicine, DOAJ, Embase, Google Scholar, Scopus, Web of Science Science Citation Index Expanded (SCIE)
1.1 Impact Factor
3.1 CiteScore
Open Access Statement

Acta Virologica provides online free gold open access to the journal and all of its research publications.
Open Access funder and institutional mandates: Acta Virologica is fully compliant with open access mandates, by publishing its articles under the Creative Commons Attribution licence (CC-BY). Funder mandates such as those by the Wellcome Trust (UK), National Institutes of Health (USA) and the Australian Research Council (Australia) are fully compatible with publishing in Acta Virologica. Authors retain copyright of their work and can deposit their publication in any repository. The work can be freely shared and adapted provided that appropriate credit is given and any changes specified.
Copyright Statement
Under the Conditions for Website Use and the General Conditions for Authors, authors of articles published in Acta Virologica retain copyright on their articles, except for any third-party images and other materials added by Acta Virologica, which are subject to copyright of their respective owners. Authors are therefore free to disseminate and re-publish their articles, subject to any requirements of third-party copyright owners and subject to the original publication being fully cited. Visitors may also download and forward articles subject to the citation requirements and subject to any fees Acta Virologica’s publisher, Frontiers, may charge for downloading licenses. The ability to copy, download, forward or otherwise distribute any materials is always subject to any copyright notices displayed. Copyright notices must be displayed prominently and may not be obliterated, deleted or hidden, totally or partially.
Each Acta Virologica article strives for the highest quality, thanks to genuinely collaborative interactions between authors, editors and reviewers. Acta Virologica encourages authors to consult the instructions for authors guidelines prior to submission. Please observe that all submissions are screened for evidence of mass production of manuscripts, including ghostwritten, fabricated, or plagiarized text, generic titles, hypotheses, or experiments, and digital images that have been manipulated, manufactured, or re-used. These submissions will not be considered for peer review in Acta Virologica. Acta Virologica operates in line with the research integrity principles supported by COPE.
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84505 Bratislava
Slovak Republic
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