AUTHOR=Gamboa Danil , Kabashi Saranda , Jørgenrud Benedicte , Lerdal Anners , Nordby Gudmund , Bogstrand Stig Tore TITLE=Missed opportunities: the detection and management of at-risk drinking and illicit drug use in acutely hospitalized patients JOURNAL=Advances in Drug and Alcohol Research VOLUME=5 YEAR=2025 URL= DOI=10.3389/adar.2025.14149 ISSN=2674-0001 ABSTRACT=

At-risk alcohol and illicit drug use are risk factors for disease and in-hospital complications. This study investigated whether clinicians document substance use in the electronic records of acutely hospitalized internal medicine patients. Alcohol and illicit drug positive patients were identified using prospectively gathered substance use data from a study sample comprising 2,872 patients included from November 2016 to December 2017 at an internal medicine hospital in Oslo, Norway. These data were unknown to hospital staff. Whether physicians recorded quantitative substance use assessments and interventions was examined in patients with study-verified alcohol use in excess of low-risk guidelines (Alcohol Use Disorder Identification Test-4 scores [AUDIT-4] of ≥5 for women and ≥7 for men) and/or illicit drug use (one or more illicit drug detected by liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry [LC-MS] analysis). Among 548 study-verified alcohol-positive patients, physicians documented quantity and frequency (QF) of use in 43.2% (n = 237) and interventions in 22.0% (n = 121). Alcohol interventions were associated with harmful drinking (AUDIT-4 ≥9 points; adjusted odds ratio [AOR] = 4.87; 95% CI: 2.54–9.31; p < 0.001) and QF assessments (AOR = 3.66; 95% CI: 1.13–11.84; p = 0.02). Among 157 illicit-positive patients, drug use was described quantitatively in 34.4% (n = 54) and interventions in 26.0% (n = 40). The rate of quantitative alcohol and illicit drug use assessment by hospital physicians is poor, with a correspondingly low intervention rate. Important opportunities for attenuating or intervening in at-risk alcohol and illicit drug use are missed.