AUTHOR=ten Have Tom , Jacobs Monica L. Y. E. , Scheltinga Marc R. M. , Zwaans Willem A. R. , Roumen Rudi M. H. TITLE=Long-Term Efficacy of Posterior Neurectomy in Anterior Cutaneous Nerve Entrapment Syndrome JOURNAL=Journal of Abdominal Wall Surgery VOLUME=Volume 3 - 2024 YEAR=2024 URL= DOI=10.3389/jaws.2024.13508 ISSN=2813-2092 ABSTRACT=Objective

To analyze long-term treatment outcomes of a posterior neurectomy in a large cohort of patients with anterior cutaneous nerve entrapment syndrome (ACNES).

Summary Background Data

The current step-up treatment approach for ACNES involves abdominal wall tender point injections, pulsed radiofrequency, and neurectomy. If an anterior neurectomy fails or pain reoccurs, a posterior neurectomy is considered as a final surgical option. Data on posterior neurectomy treatment outcomes are scarce.


ACNES patients who underwent a unilateral posterior neurectomy between 2012 and 2022 in a single institution completed a questionnaire regarding their current pain status. Primary outcomes were short- and long-term treatment success, defined as ≥50% pain relief. Patients were stratified whether the operative indication was recurrent pain (>3 months) after an initially successful anterior neurectomy or ongoing pain after an anterior neurectomy.


Data from 260 of 379 patients (77% female, mean age 42 years) were analyzed (68.6% response rate). Sensitivity analysis found that short-term outcomes were similar between responders and non-responders. The recurrent pain group demonstrated significantly better treatment outcomes compared to the ongoing pain group, both in the short-term (7 weeks; treatment success 79.2% vs. 53.2%, p < 0.001) and long-term (58 months; treatment success 61.1% vs. 42.0%, p = 0.001). Sixteen (minor) complications (6.2%) were reported, resulting in three surgical re-interventions (1.2%).


A posterior neurectomy is long-term beneficial in approximately half of patients although treatment success is better for recurrent pain than ongoing pain. These findings aid in optimizing preoperative patient counseling.