Hernia Surgery in low and middle-income countries

About this Special Issue


Hernia and Abdominal Wall repair is one the most common types of surgery performed worldwide with over 20 million estimated repairs annually, more than 1 million of them in the US.

The burden of hernia disease has been steadily increasing affecting not only patients’ health and quality of life but also having a huge socioeconomic impact. “A surgeon can do more for the community by operating on hernia cases and seeing that his recurrence rate is low than he can by operating on cases of malignant disease” (Sir. Cecil Wakely, President of the Royal College of Surgery, 1948).

The increasing burden of hernia sufferers, the huge number of hernia-related deaths, the lack of affordable technologies, the socioeconomic conditions, and the lack of hernia surgeons, represent some of the challenges in Hernia and Abdominal Wall Surgery in low and middle-income countries (LMICs).

Considering the recognized international interest in this topic, this Special Issue of JAWS aims to present the latest research on current challenges and future developments in Hernia and Abdominal Wall Surgery in LMICs, advantages and drawbacks, clinical outcomes, economic impact, and surgical perspectives.

We will also cover many of the current important topics related to Hernia and Abdominal Wall Surgery, including technical factors, novel techniques, technological innovations and perioperative management.

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Article types and fees

This Special Issue accepts the following article types, unless otherwise specified in the Special Issue description:

  • Brief Research Report
  • Case Report
  • Commentary
  • Editorial
  • Letter to the Editor
  • Mini Review
  • Opinion
  • Original Research
  • Protocol

Articles that are accepted for publication by our external editors following rigorous peer review incur a publishing fee charged to Authors, institutions, or funders.

Keywords: Hernia Surgery, Hernia and Abdominal Wall Surgery, Inguinal Hernia, LMICs

Issue editors

Manuscripts can be submitted to this Special Issue via the main journal or any other participating journal.