Widening Participation in Pre and Post Registration Education and Training in Biomedical Sciences

About this Special Issue

  1. Manuscript Submission Deadline 30 May 2025


Widening participation in biomedical science aims to increase opportunities for individuals from diverse backgrounds to pursue careers in the field, ensuring that those with the potential to become excellent healthcare professionals see it as a viable option, regardless of their background. Through addressing disparities and promoting social mobility, widening participation contributes to a more representative workforce that can better understand patients’ needs and provide effective care. Achieving diversity in healthcare professions faces many challenges, including the “awarding gap” and a lack of representation and role models in Higher Education, socioeconomic disparities, pipeline issues, cultural competence & inclusion, and community engagement.

This Special Issue of the British Journal of Biomedical Science (Impact Factor of 2.7 and Citescore of 4.4) will highlight the latest research and the extent of the challenge in widening participation within the field.
Submissions are welcome on (but not limited to):

• Early engagement strategies and their effectiveness
• Impact of outreach
• Diversification of the curriculum
• Strategies to tackle the Awarding Gap
• Student and trainee support initiatives and their success
• Pre- and post-HCPC registration completion rates
• Employability data

We welcome Original Research, Review and Biomedical Science in brief articles. We look forward to receiving manuscript submissions on these areas, and other related topics.

Any questions? Please email the Editorial Office.

IBMS Members
IBMS members can benefit from a full waiver of the APC and should email the Editorial Office with their IBMS membership reference number prior to submission of the manuscript to confirm their waiver.

Special Issue Research topic image

Article types and fees

This Special Issue accepts the following article types, unless otherwise specified in the Special Issue description:

  • Biomedical Science in Brief
  • Case Report
  • Editorial
  • Letter to the Editor
  • Original Research
  • Review

Articles that are accepted for publication by our external editors following rigorous peer review incur a publishing fee charged to Authors, institutions, or funders.

Keywords: Biomedical Science, Continual Professional Development, Education, Employability, Pedagogy, Training

Issue editors

Manuscripts can be submitted to this Special Issue via the main journal or any other participating journal.