Special Issue

Incisional Hernia Prevention

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About this Special Issue

Manuel López-Cano, Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Abdominal Wall Surgery (JAWS), official journal of the European Hernia Society (EHS) and together with the Editorial Team are excited to announce the inaugural Special Issue entirely dedicated to the prevention of incisional hernias in the abdominal wall. ...

Manuel López-Cano, Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Abdominal Wall Surgery (JAWS), official journal of the European Hernia Society (EHS) and together with the Editorial Team are excited to announce the inaugural Special Issue entirely dedicated to the prevention of incisional hernias in the abdominal wall. This is a topic of current interest for all surgeons, not only for those interested in abdominal wall surgery. This Special Issue presents the latest cutting edge reviews, original research and opinion papers from the leading experts in the field.

Keywords: Incisional, Hernia, Prevention, Laparotomy, Prophylaxis, Parastomal, Trocar

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