Special Issue

Advances in Cancer Diagnosis and Treatment

  • Submission closed.

About this Special Issue

More people are surviving cancer than ever before, in part due to advances in diagnosis and treatment. Since the COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic, an unprecedented strain has been placed on healthcare providers to manage the backlog and demand for cancer services. In response, the NHS has published an ...

More people are surviving cancer than ever before, in part due to advances in diagnosis and treatment. Since the COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic, an unprecedented strain has been placed on healthcare providers to manage the backlog and demand for cancer services. In response, the NHS has published an ambitious long term plan to diagnose cancer at an earlier stage and improve the five year survival rate, maintaining the decade-on-decade fall in mortality rates previously seen.

This special issue of the British Journal of Biomedical Science will highlight the latest research and development in the diverse field of cancer, and how these innovations move our understanding forwards, leading to improvements in the diagnosis, monitoring and treatment of these conditions. Included will be a number of review papers, original articles and short communications.

Submissions are welcome on (but not limited to):
• Novel biomarkers
• RNA biology
• Targeted immunotherapies
• Genomic testing
• Gene editing
• Epigenetics
• Clinical pathway improvements
• Artificial intelligence and predictive algorithms
• Liquid biopsy
• Single cell transcriptomics

We look forward to receiving manuscript submissions on these areas, and other related topics. We particularly encourage authors to highlight how their work contributes to improved outcomes for people with cancer. All manuscripts are published once fully reviewed, ensuring your work is accessible as soon as possible.

Any questions? Please email the Editorial Office.

IBMS Members
IBMS members can benefit from a full waiver of the APC and should email the Editorial Office with their IBMS membership reference number prior to submission of the manuscript to confirm their waiver.

Keywords: cancer treatment, NHS, cancer diagnosis, Novel biomarkers, RNA biology, Targeted immunotherapies, Genomic testing, Gene editing, Epigenetics

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