31st Annual Meeting of the German Transplantation Society (DTG 2022)

About this Special Issue

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Dear colleagues,

We are pleased to welcome you to the 31st Annual Meeting of the German Transplantation Society from 29 September to 1 October 2022 in Erlangen, Germany. It is the two-year anniversary of the Corona pandemic and last year we held a very successful hybrid congress in Stuttgart. To make it possible for everyone, who cannot travel to Erlangen this year because of worry, responsibility or work commitments, we will make large parts of the event available live via internet channels.

The motto of this year's congress is: "The holistic approach to transplantation". This does not only mean that organ transplantation is an interdisciplinary challenge for the treating colleagues, but also that, in addition to internal and surgical findings, the patient's overall situation, his/her disease history, his/her nutrition and fitness as well as his/her psyche and mental health must be integrated into the treatment process to achieve optimal transplantation success. Therefore, we have chosen the special features and interdisciplinary challenges of "young" and "old" patients as special topics for this year's congress and would also like to address the special features and interdisciplinary challenges of patients with "special" pre-existing conditions.

We are pleased that the abstracts of this meeting will be published in Transplant International and are happy to welcome you personally to Erlangen.

On behalf of the Universitätsklinikum Erlangen, the organising committee and the board of the DTG

Mario Schiffer, Michael Wiesener, Mirian Opgenoorth

Special Issue Research topic image

Keywords: transplantation, holistic approach, interdisciplinary, German Transplantation Society

Issue editors