Living well after organ transplantation

About this Special Issue

Submission closed


Organ transplantation offers many patients with organ failure improved survival and better quality of life. However, complications, side-effects and the burden of treatment can impair physical, mental and social outcomes. Consequently, this can undermine the capacity of transplant recipients in being able to live well with their transplant.

Improving quality of life remains a challenge in the field of organ transplantation. Physicians, nurses and allied health professionals have an important role in promoting quality of life by supporting transplant recipients to manage their health. In this Special Issue of Transplant International on ‘Living well after organ transplantation’ we will provide an overview of the evidence on life participation after organ transplantation and interventions to support transplant recipients to participate in life. The issue will describe patient perspectives on life after transplant, outline interventions or innovative care models in transplant recipients that target outcomes related to quality of life after transplantation, and discuss implementation of the interventions in practice and policy.

We warmly welcome both solicited and spontaneous submissions to this Special Issue.

Abstract submission: 28th March 2023
Manuscript submission: 31st December 2023

As a Gold open access journal, all submissions are subject to publishing fees. Fee solutions are available on a case-by-case basis, including discounts for ESOT members, Institutional Agreements, and authors from low- and middle-income countries. Please contact the editorial office if you have any questions:

Please see the following pages for:
Publishing Fees
Author Guidelines

Special Issue Research topic image

Keywords: transplantation outcomes, patients, allied healthcare professionals, quality of life, organ transplantation

Issue editors