Special Issue

Education and Training in Biomedical Science

  • Submission closed.

About this Special Issue

Globally, biomedical science is a rapidly expanding discipline in relation to technological advances, scientific research and healthcare delivery. A degree in biomedical science offers the gateway to a diverse range of career pathways, primarily in healthcare service delivery, research and development in ...

Globally, biomedical science is a rapidly expanding discipline in relation to technological advances, scientific research and healthcare delivery. A degree in biomedical science offers the gateway to a diverse range of career pathways, primarily in healthcare service delivery, research and development in varied healthcare related disciplines (medical microbiology, clinical chemistry, haematology, cell pathology and genetics) as well as careers encompassing environmental, pharmaceutical, nutrition and forensic sectors and other areas such as teaching, communication and bioinformatics. As such it is fundamentally important that education providers deliver educational and training programmes which embed and promote the development of essential skills required when seeking employment in such varied sectors so that graduates are workforce-ready.

The British Journal of Biomedical Science is excited to present – ‘Education and Training in Biomedical Science’ a Special Issue to showcase the best practices in pedagogical approaches which have significantly impacted teaching, workplace training and assessment ensuring graduates have the knowledge and skills required for employment within the biomedical science sector.

The Special Issue will showcase the global diversity of innovative educator and practitioner-led research and practice, performed across the entire breadth of the biomedical science sector and present advances in theory, methodology and application of embedding workforce skills and knowledge requirements into current education and development programs.

Submissions are welcome on areas of biomedical science education which have been researched using ethical and robust analytical approaches related to, but not limited to:

- Pedagogy
- Simulation, Team Based Learning, Gamification
- Training Practices
- Equality, Diversity and Inclusion
- Distance learning
- Advances in digital learning
- Interdisciplinary learning
- Lessons learnt from delivering education, teaching and assessment in biomedical science during the COVID-19 pandemic

We also invite authors to include a section on personal reflections on utilising practice informed teaching, within their manuscript.

Keywords: Biomedical Science, Continual Professional Development, Education, Employability, Laboratory Medicine, Laboratory Sciences, Healthcare Science, Pedagogy, Training, Clinical Science

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