Special Issue

Biomedical Science Case Reports

About this Special Issue

The British Journal of Biomedical Science (Impact Factor of 2.7 and Citescore of 4.4) is pleased to launch this Special Issue focused on Case Reports. The Special Issue aims to highlight high-quality Case Reports in the field of biomedical science, the Editors encourage the submission of reports that ...

The British Journal of Biomedical Science (Impact Factor of 2.7 and Citescore of 4.4) is pleased to launch this Special Issue focused on Case Reports. The Special Issue aims to highlight high-quality Case Reports in the field of biomedical science, the Editors encourage the submission of reports that highlight cases of patients that present with a rare disease, or unexpected findings of a more common condition, such as new variants or new mutations that have or might influence the clinical outcome. In summary, the case should comply with one of the following two criteria;

1) RARE cases with TYPICAL features.
2) FREQUENT cases with ATYPICAL features.

Case Report format
A Case Report has a structured abstract of 350 words, an introduction, details of the case, and a discussion. Case reports do not have sub-headings and up to 3,000 words and may contain no more than 4 figures/tables. Case reports are expected to describe a truly novel and interesting case that will attract specialists, and will end with a summary sentence explaining why the case represents an advance in biomedical science.

Ethics approval will be needed for all case reports submitted. For full guidance information, please visit our author pages.

Any questions? Please email the Editorial Office.

IBMS Members
IBMS members can benefit from a full waiver of the APC and should email the Editorial Office with their IBMS membership reference number prior to submission of the manuscript to confirm their waiver.

Keywords: biomedical science, disease, open access

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