Special Issue

Women in Soil Science

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About this Special Issue

The Spanish Journal of Soil Science is proud to offer this platform to celebrate the achievements of women in the field of soil science and hopefully inspire the next generation of female soil scientists.

Led by Dr. Andrea Vidal, Dr. Michele Francis and Prof. Rosa Maria Poch, this Special Issue will ...

The Spanish Journal of Soil Science is proud to offer this platform to celebrate the achievements of women in the field of soil science and hopefully inspire the next generation of female soil scientists.

Led by Dr. Andrea Vidal, Dr. Michele Francis and Prof. Rosa Maria Poch, this Special Issue will highlight the latest research from women in the soil science field from across the globe.

At present, less than 30% of researchers worldwide are women. Long-standing biases and gender stereotypes are discouraging girls and women away from science-related fields, and STEM research in particular. Science and gender equality are, however, essential to ensure sustainable development as highlighted by UNESCO.

The work presented here highlights the diversity of research performed across the entire breadth of soil science led by women, and presents advances in theory, experiment and methodology with applications to compelling problems. It also welcomes more sociology-oriented papers, analyzing the role of women researchers in soil science, as well as those dealing with women as the main actors of soil management in various regions of the world.

Article Submission Deadline: 30th June, 2022 (Extension)

Keywords: Women, STEM, Diversity, UNESCO, International Day of Women and Girls in Science, Soil, Soil Science

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