Components Separation Techniques in Abdominal Wall Surgery

About this Special Issue


Components Separation Techniques in Abdominal Wall Surgery (anterior, posterior, combined, minimally invasive)

Component separation is now an essential part of modern abdominal wall surgery for ventral and incisional hernias. The aim of this additional technique is the complete restoration of the midline, which at the same time should guarantee a recovered core stability at the final stage. The techniques for this purpose are diverse and are now applied open, minimally invasive or in hybrid techniques, depending on the primary approach chosen. This special issue is intended to provide an overview of the various release techniques, as well as specifically the individual methods with the most important steps and results.

The aim of this Special Issue is to compare the different techniques and to present the advantages and disadvantages, or the potential complications. Another aspect of this edition is to create a potential algorithm for the specific application based on the anatomical preconditions.

Suggested Submission Topics
• Anterior and Posterior Component Separation – anatomical aspects
• Open Anterior Component Separation
• Endoscopic Anterior Component Separation
• Posterior Component Separation – original TAR technique (Novitski-technique)
• Posterior Component Separation – modified Madrid TAR technique
• Robotic assisted TAR procedure
• Combination of Anterior and Posterior Component Separation
• Functional Outcome after Anterior and Posterior Component Separation

Any questions? Please email the Editorial Office.

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Article types and fees

This Special Issue accepts the following article types, unless otherwise specified in the Special Issue description:

  • Brief Research Report
  • Case Report
  • Commentary
  • Editorial
  • Letter to the Editor
  • Mini Review
  • Opinion
  • Original Research
  • Review

Articles that are accepted for publication by our external editors following rigorous peer review incur a publishing fee charged to Authors, institutions, or funders.

Keywords: component separation, anterior component separation, posterior component separation, transversus abdominis release, minimally invasive component separation, endoscopic anterior component separation

Issue editors

Manuscripts can be submitted to this Special Issue via the main journal or any other participating journal.