Unlocking Artistic Research - How to Reframe and Transform the Current Challenges of Managing and Supporting Artistic Research by Discovering and Imagining New Forms of Impact and Value

About this Special Issue

Submission closed


What does artistic research need, and what can be further achieved through artistic research? Practices of artistic research require special and specific contexts and care. Planning, support, and administration have to be handled in ways that differ from established modes of research management and cultural production. Consequently, the impact of artistic research remains underrated with largely untapped potential. Artistic research, understood as a practice of research through the arts, must not lead to what might be called "self-isolation" — an attitude that highlights exceptions, non-compliance, and an alleged incompatibility of artistic research with a general R&I ecosystem. The urgencies of a triple transition (climate, digital, social) demand fundamentally new concepts and understandings of research and innovation facing increasingly complex societal challenges.

Over the past three decades, highly active artistic research contexts have developed across Europe and beyond. However, there is an urgent need to promote and empower artistic research, its aims, qualities, and contexts on a global scale, learn from approaches in the Global South, and include initiatives that are not part of Higher Education Institutions in the arts.

This special issue welcomes submissions that critically and self-critically address the current challenges of artistic research management and its policy frameworks, including ways of advocacy, funding of resources, and the provision of infrastructural and institutional opportunities.

Can artistic research make relevant contributions to map, communicate, or even address the complexities of our times? And if so, what would be the framework conditions to unlock the potential of artistic research in this respect? What kind of administrative and organizational strategies in terms of accountability, responsibility, and transparency would be suitable without compromising artistic quality, impact, and value? Which skill sets would be required?

We call for contributions in artistic and academic formats raising questions that have not yet been voiced but will increasingly gain relevance. We welcome submissions covering (but not limited to) the following key topics:

• Current changes in artistic research management and its policy frameworks
• Examples and reflections on artistic research and artistic research policies in the Global South and Eastern Europe, as well as initiatives outside Higher Education Institutions
• Requirements and skill sets of artistic research management - from classic research management to cultural management and organizational strategies (accountability-responsibility-transparency)
• Evaluation strategies of artistic research, its criteria, and comparability
• Impact of artistic research and the necessary framework - addressing collaborations across disciplines and artistic research contributing to mission-oriented research as well as contributions to complex societal challenges structures and frameworks enabling artistic research, today and in the future.

Any questions? Please email the Editorial Office.

The European Creative Business Network (ECBN) has kindly sponsored this Special Issue and therefore the APCs will be fully waived for all submissions. If you have any questions please contact the Editorial Office

Special Issue Research topic image

Keywords: Artistic Research, Management, Advocacy, Funding, Policy

Issue editors