Propose a Special Issue of Advances in Drug & Alcohol Research
To register your interest in leading a Special Issue in Drug & Alcohol Research, please complete this form or contact the Editorial Office ( to discuss your idea.Special Issues in Advances in Drug & Alcohol Research are peer-reviewed article collections around cutting-edge research themes. Organized, managed, and edited by renowned researchers, they unite the world’s leading experts around the hottest topics, stimulating collaboration and accelerating science.

As a guest editor of a Special Issue you will:
Edit an article collection around your research
Grow your network and collaborate with leading researchers around the world
Ensure quality through rigorous peer review
Benefit from a free Editorial
Why guest edit a Special Issue for Advances in Drug & Alcohol Research?
ADAR is the official journal of the International Drug and Alcohol Research Society (IDARS) and International Narcotics Research Conference (INRC), promoting publishing activity with scientists and researchers across the globe sharing knowledge and challenges around understanding, treating, and ending addiction
Fully open access, covering important psychostimulants, opiates, alcohol, cannabis and cannabinoids, hallucinogens, and psychiatric co-morbidities
Receive a freely shareable and downloadable eBook
Authors retain the copyright to their accepted and published submissions
Submit this form to propose your idea or write to us with questions at Proposals for special issues are welcomed on a rolling basis and will be evaluated by the Editor-in-Chief.